Tuesday, 24 November 2015

WELCOME to The Off Grid Cabin!


WELCOME… pull up a stump!

People are surprised to learn that I’m a Canadian Military Air force Helicopter Pilot.

Not sure why… but they often go “Hmmmmmm… didn’t peg a military officer or a pilot to be an off the gridder.”

I’m also a Father, a Husband, a blogger, a YouTube semi-star, and an Off Grid Entrepreneur.

I love to share with people how our family has created an amazing, and abundant lifestyle living off grid, growing a highly lucrative business by sharing our story with others, and teaching people around the world to do the very same. Whether you’re here to learn how to build a cabin, discover what life off the grid is all about or forge your destiny as an entrepreneur... we’ve got you well taken care of.

We teach people not only how we’ve built our 24ft X 20ft solar powered off grid cabin, but also how anyone, anywhere in the world can also become a self-made entrepreneurial success story and ultimately grow a 5, 6, even 7 figure business. All while living off the grid. But you don’t have to.

We have been incredibly fortunate to have partnered with the billionaire philanthropist Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity and PayPal) and also Jonathan Budd (Made $10M before he was 25) and Jim Bunch (generated $30M in 10 months) we are now happily in the $6 trillion dollar/ year business of solar energy.

EXACTLY in line with our off grid lifestyle!

We give people free and full access to all our building plans, budget, building materials list and offer you a complete step-by-step guide to building your own off grid home. Along the way we have grown our fan base into the tens of thousands and as a result our solar company called “Powur” has absolutely exploded. You can learn more about Powur right here and request to join our team for free…  http://www.theoffgridcabin.com/gridkey 

We hope you enjoy the site and encourage you to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE with your social media.


Steve & Mireille Barnes



Friday, 20 November 2015

Hidden Secrets For How To Build The Perfect Level Foundation

Hidden Secrets For How To Build The Perfect Level Foundation


The Foundation

The secret to building the perfect level foundation for a cabin or house is…

Make sure it’s LEVEL and SQUARE all the way around BEFORE you do ANY framing!

WARNING: We cannot emphasize how critical the foundation is.

If it’s of as much as 1/8th of an inch, by the time you get to the top of a framed wall that slight error could be compounded as much as 10 fold and the top of your walls may never line up no matter how hard you hit them with a sledge hammer. Everything begins with the foundation and ends with the last nail in the roof.

Do it right the first time. – Mike Holmes

Be sure and follow along with the build and get FREE updates every step of the way by subscribing here http://theoffgridcabin.com/subscribe

How To Build An Off Grid Cabin Delivering All The Building Materials

Building A 24ft X 20ft Off Grid Cabin!

Ever thought about kicking society to the curb and building
an off grid home?

We did… and today we just got all the building materials
delivered to do it!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

The Kindling Cracker is the easiest and safest way to chop wood

The Kindling Cracker: Best Way To Split Wood!
With a Kindling Cracker all
you’ll ever need is another piece of wood or a hammer to strike the
wood you’re chopping. And since both are blunt instruments it’s a lot
safer for your fingers and makes this one of the safest ways in the
world for you to cut kindling. Plus, you’ll be so impressed with just how much
easier it is to cut kindling too.

The 6 Must Know Tips For How To Buy Off Grid Land

The 6 Must Know Tips For How To Buy Off Grid Land

If you're looking to live off the grid then learning these 6
must know tips for how to buy off grid land is the perfect place to start.


Are you looking to go off grid? We did. We’ve build a 24ft X
20ft cabin by hand, just the two of us, and we’re giving you the step-by-step,
play by play of the entire build! If you’d like us to send you weekly updates,
tips/tricks, and plans, cost, material list, plus some really amazing free
prizes, contests, swag, and even free survival tools… just sign up to join our
NEWS LETTER right here

Friday, 6 November 2015


Join The PowurGrid Today With Your Own
Private Grid Key And Tap Into The $6 Trillion Dollar/Year Solar
Energy Industry! http://goo.gl/jYA7c9

Monday, 2 November 2015

How To Build A Log Cabin Alone In Alaska with Dick Proenneke

How To Build A Log Cabin Alone In Alaska with Dick Proenneke

Now here's a man that
will leave anyone looking to learn a little about living off the grid in
complete awe!

What an incredible and inspirational story the one man who lived
30 years alone in a hand-built log cabin along the shores of Alaska’s Twin
Lakes. http://theoffgridcabin.com/how-to-build-a-log-cabin-alone-in-alaska-with-dick-proenneke/

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Walking the Off The Grid Cabin Trail



Walking the Off The Grid Cabin Trail

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own little slice of heaven on the planet and then molding it into the perfect retreat?

We have and this is how we blazed our way to it.

Make sure you subscribe and never miss a minute of the most epic off grid build ever!


We found the perfect location to build our off the grid cabin! However, it was buried deep down a mountain side through 650ft of thick Canadian forest. As first time cabin/home builders we were excited to get the project under way but, we had no experience with using chain saws, blazing trails, designing or building a solar powered off grid cabin. If you’re new to our blog then welcome to living off the grid 101. We’re here to share with you every step of our adventure.

At this point we’ve got the basic plans for the cabin laid out. We even have the perfect piece of land bought and paid for.


What an incredible feat. I have to give my wife huge props for all the hard work she put in helping me down the trees, attack it with the axe and pretty much maul every tree and shrub into submission. I think her favorite part was wielding the chain saw. I know it was mine!

Well, we are thrilled to say that the trail is finally complete. We’d spent pretty much every waking hour blazing the 650ft trail for the road builder to follow down to the build site. It wasn’t enough to simply mark the trees and let him drive through the woods for one major reason, it’s too tight a squeeze in some places for an excavator to start pushing down trees left and right and not have him end up on someone else’s property. We have a “Stay 2ft from other people’s property rule” to follow here. Every area is different but that’s ours and we’re going to stick by it.


We’d LOVE to hear your comments about the progress and ask you to please comment below.

See you at the top!

Steve Barnes 


Walking The Blazed Trail: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=VIfXbKLGMF4

Walking the Off The Grid Cabin Trail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koDvu_8CkDE

Walking The Blazed Trail



Walking the blazed trail... 

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own little slice of heaven on the planet and then molding it into the perfect retreat?

We have and this is how we blazed our way to it.

Make sure you subscribe and never miss a minute of the most epic off grid build ever!


We found the perfect location to build our off the grid cabin! However, it was buried deep down a mountain side through 650ft of thick Canadian forest. As first time cabin/home builders we were excited to get the project under way but, we had no experience with using chain saws, blazing trails, designing or building a solar powered off grid cabin. If you’re new to our blog then welcome to living off the grid 101. We’re here to share with you every step of our adventure.

At this point we’ve got the basic plans for the cabin laid out. We even have the perfect piece of land bought and paid for.


What an incredible feat. I have to give my wife huge props for all the hard work she put in helping me down the trees, attack it with the axe and pretty much maul every tree and shrub into submission. I think her favorite part was wielding the chain saw. I know it was mine!

Well, we are thrilled to say that the trail is finally complete. We’d spent pretty much every waking hour blazing the 650ft trail for the road builder to follow down to the build site. It wasn’t enough to simply mark the trees and let him drive through the woods for one major reason, it’s too tight a squeeze in some places for an excavator to start pushing down trees left and right and not have him end up on someone else’s property. We have a “Stay 2ft from other people’s property rule” to follow here. Every area is different but that’s ours and we’re going to stick by it.


If you found this post informative or enjoyed it then please like and share it with your social medial using the buttons at the side or on the bottom the screen.

We’d LOVE to hear your comments about the progress and ask you to please comment below.

See you at the top!

Steve Barnes


Walking The Blazed Trail: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=VIfXbKLGMF4

Completed Trail Blazing To The Off Grid Cabin Build Site

Completed Trail Blazing To The Off Grid Cabin Build Site

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own little slice of
heaven on the planet and then molding it into the perfect retreat? We
have and this is how we blazed our way to it. http://wp.me/p6HSTs-Hs